Monday, January 28, 2013

Just me and the kids

Well, the week is here.  We found out on January 2nd that Ryan would be traveling to California for a week for work.  Since that phone call, I have been nervously anticipating, er correction, dreading this week.  And now it's here.

A very wise friend gave me two pieces of advice for this upcoming week.  1) Get a babysitter about halfway through the week.  It'll be so refreshing to have just a few hours to yourself and it'll help you get through the rest of the week.  Done - I have a babysitter coming on Wednesday from 4-7p and I get to enjoy dinner with my girlfriends!!  2) Have a glass of wine after the kids go to bed.  Sounds like a plan to me!!!  I'll be picking up that bottle today ;-)

Ryan left about 5:15a.  I couldn't get back to sleep after we hugged and kissed goodbye.  Many things were going through my mind and I just felt restless.  Anyway, other than Ryan leaving, the morning began like every other Monday morning: Kyleigh up at 6a and Reagan shortly thereafter.  Breakfast on the table, a few books read, Kyleigh down for a nap, and the laundry started.  The only thing that doesn't make today like any other Monday is that we don't have small group tonight.  And our normal routine will start again the rest of the week.  It's just that Ryan won't be here in the evenings to spend it with me and the kids.

While nursing Kyleigh before her morning nap, I decided to pray about this week.  I have been asking for prayer from everyone else, but hadn't actually done any praying myself.  So, I boldly asked the Lord to bless this week and to give me a good attitude about Ryan being gone.  It's not like Ryan asked for a week away from his family and it's not like he's going to enjoy not seeing us for 5 days.  Instead of wallowing in self pity about this week, I asked the Lord to let me enjoy the kids.  I don't have to view this week as a terrible week.  All along, I have been preparing myself that this is going to be the worst week in the history of parenting.  No other week could possibly be as bad as this week is going to be.  I know, a little dramatic.  Well, maybe big time dramatic.  But it's how I've felt.  Not can be a good week; I can have fun with the kids; I can enjoy going to bed at 8p if I choose ;-)  It's all about my attitude and how I approach the week.  If I continue to think it is going to be terrible, then every small mishap is going to feed into that belief.  But if I keep a good spirit, then the little things won't bother me (I hope!) and I can enjoy the rest of the day.  I truly feel like my change in attitude came from praying this morning and I'm so thankful!

I started this post about 9:30a and it's now 3:00p when I'm finishing it.  Both kids are happily asleep, so I'm going to give the first 75% of this day a thumbs up!

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