Monday, January 14, 2013


I'm discouraged.  It stinks and I wish I didn't feel this way right now, but I do.  This is probably petty and I'll look back on this post and think it wasn't a big deal, but for now, it is a big deal to me.

We (as in Kyleigh and I) are going through napping issues again.  Shortly before we left for CA and definitely since we've been home, Kyleigh's napping has just been off.  She still sleeps at night, for which I am very, very thankful.  However, her napping is so erratic and causing me much discouragement.

As I'm thinking about what's off, there are no common threads.  Some days she won't take her morning nap.  Other days, she'll sleep for 30 minutes in the morning and take an afternoon nap.  Still other days, she won't take an afternoon nap.  Then, she'll sleep for 2 hours in the morning and 1 1/2 hours in the afternoon.  She'll fall asleep nursing; she'll fall asleep on her own and in her crib; or I'll have to drive somewhere to get her to fall asleep in the car, only to have her wake up within 15 minutes of getting home.  Kyleigh is all over the board and I'm frustrated.

Today, as I'm typing, I decided to let her cry it out for what seemed like a really long time to me (total of 20-25 minutes).  The poor girl is tired and I thought about picking her up before her screams woke Reagan, but I know she needs rest.  This time, she gave in.  But who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Ugh...I don't like complaining and I don't want to complain, but the past 6 weeks of her napping being all over the place is very discouraging and exhausting for me.  I keep thinking she's teething; after all, she is 7 months.  However, there are no other signs of teething and I certainly haven't seen any pearly whites pop through.  Maybe it's because she just learned a new skill (crawling) and she feels like she doesn't have time to sleep because she's got places to explore?  Very possible.  Or maybe, she's just being an infant, going through a phase where napping isn't her thing.

At the moment, and I emphasize moment, both kids are asleep.  I don't feel like doing my traffic school lesson (shame on me!), so I'm going to try and get a few zzz's myself.

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