Thursday, July 26, 2012

Where I am

My old boss reached out to me shortly after Kyleigh was born to check in and see how I was doing.  He also asked when I would bring the kids by and at that point, I wasn't too sure.

Today, I made a trip to my old workplace for a visit not only to see my old boss, but to see the friends I had made during the 3 years of employment.  To be honest, I was a little apprehensive about visiting.  I didn't know how the visit would go.  My boss really didn't want me to leave and this was the first time I would see him since quitting.

To my delight, it was a great visit!  People were excited to meet Kyleigh and see Reagan again.  Honestly, Reagan received more attention than Kyleigh.  He was quite the ham while I was there.  He started running all over the place (and I was trying to catch him before he got himself into trouble on the production floor!) and having a great time with all of the new people.  He even acted like he wanted to work; putting his arms up to the receptionist and sitting on her lap while staring at the computer :) He especially flirted with the girls at work; giving them his adorable Reagan smile.

It was really nice to get a chance to catch up with my boss and the other people I knew well.  My boss asked how I was adjusting and I was thankful to answer honestly that I was adjusting well!  He seemed genuinely happy for me and didn't ask if I wanted to come back (of which I was very thankful!).  A few of my other co-workers, mainly the production floor staff, asked when I would be back and I just smiled.

As I got into my car and began to drive away, I thought about where I am in life at this moment.  Going into this visit, I didn't know if I was going to leave feeling like I wanted to be back there.  Even though I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, it was still difficult to quit my job and enter a different type of job.  I was very scared initially; not sure if I was going to be happy at home with my kids.  But after this visit, I felt reassured of the decision Ryan and I made together.  I feel more than ever (even though it's only been 11 weeks) that I am where I am supposed to be.  While I do miss my old job and the people, my new job of being home with my children is such a blessing from the Lord.  The Lord provided a job for Ryan to allow me to be home and I am so grateful.  I am also grateful to my amazing husband for both the financial and emotional support he's given me.

I am one lucky woman to be where I am.

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