Thursday, July 19, 2012

Feeling Encouraged

Kyleigh woke me up about 5:45am today and as I began to nurse her, I heard Reagan playing in his crib.  I thought "This could end up being a very long day."  However, both kids fell back asleep and I was lucky enough to stay in bed until 8am!!!!  It's amazing how a little extra sleep can make all the difference!

Today, I am feeling very encouraged.  I can't pinpoint why I feel so encouraged today specifically, but I am thankful for it!  I had a wonderful time with a friend and her kids this morning.  We had a chance to catch up and just let the kids play - they did great!  After they left, the house was quiet (only for a brief moment), the toys were picked up, there wasn't a mess in every room in the house, and I just felt encouraged.  That's all I can say is I feel encouraged :)

On a different note, it's amazing to me that 5 years ago today, Ryan and I embarked on an adventure we thought would only last 3 years.  We left California and headed to Illinois for Ryan to begin his Masters Degree at Trinity.  We never thought we'd still be here, but we are!  As I mentioned to my friend earlier today, the Lord's hand was definitely at work.  I am thankful for everything He's done so far and how He's lead us down the path we're following.

I am so thankful and have much to praise the Lord for!

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