Thursday, July 3, 2014

Kyleigh's Potty Training - Day 1

A mere 7 months later and I'm at potty training again!  Wow!  Reagan was about 32 months when I started potty training and Kyleigh is 25 months.  It seems a little early to me (although the 3 day method I use recommends doing it before 28 months, so I'm not that early), but Kyleigh has been asking to use the potty multiple times a day for the past week. 

About a week ago I decided to have my 3 day weekend be over the Fourth of July because Ryan would be home for 3 straight days.  With Rylan around and me still nursing her, I knew the extra day was crucial.  I went ahead and started today even though Ryan worked today because I still want to go to church on Sunday.  So my 3 days are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 

Here is the run down from today's training:
7a diaper removed
8:50a pee (half on carpet, finished in potty)
10:15a accident (in highchair during snack time)
10:55a accident
11:05a accident
11:10a accident
11:15a accident (while I was nursing Rylan) and she peed right on my leg!!
11:35a pee (small amount on carpet, finished in potty)
12:35p diaper for naptime
2:45p diaper removed (peed and pooped during nap)
3:20p accident (in highchair, which I was nursing)
4p accident
4:30p accident
4:50p accident
5:05p pee
7:10p accident
7:15p diaper for the night

A lot of accidents today, but I have to say I am really happy about the 3 times she peed in the potty!  I never cried today, which is better than when I trained Reagan.  However, I am absolutely exhausted from the day.  Having Rylan here and needing me a lot today (she was off her normal nap schedule, so that made the day so much harder) made the whole process more challenging than the first time around.  However, I'm glad I'm doing this and Kyleigh gets really into the potty dance after she's peed successfully!

Thankfully, Ryan will be home the next 3 days and even if I do all the training with Kyleigh, at least I'll have some help with Reagan and Rylan!

Onto Day 2...

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