Saturday, March 1, 2014

My First Week

I really, really wanted to write this last night, but that just didn't happen.  We had 6 kiddos here last night and my littlest needed a lot of attention from 8p-11:30p.  By that time, I was ready for bed and blogging was the last thing on my mind.

So here I am, Saturday night, writing my post about my first week home alone with 3 kids.  Since I'm writing this, then I obviously made it through the week!  It was an emotional roller coaster of a week, but I can honestly say The Lord gave me the strength to get through each day.  I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty details of what I did, but I feel The Lord gave me exactly what I needed to get through each day.

Monday-Wednesday treated me with unplanned visitors.  My visitors stayed between 1-2.5 hours, but it was just enough to help me through the rough portions of the day.  On Thursday, I had Moms Bible Study and then unexpectedly went to Katie's for lunch after.  Friday was Rylan's one month (can you believe she's a month already?!) doctor appointment.  So everyday, there was a little something that broke up the day.  I still spent much of the days at home because our deep freeze of a winter continued.  As I told Ryan, with how cold it's been and trying to keep the kids warm, sometimes it's just not worth the effort to get out the door. 

Surprisingly, I was able to handle dinner fairly well.  Thursday was tough - for whatever reason, all 3 kids decided they needed me right in the middle of preparing.  I was able to handle all of the crying well, but it was still a little stressful.  Thankfully, Ryan arrived home after about 20 minutes of the screaming and gave me some relief!  I purposely planned relatively easy dinners and for the most part, it was a breeze to get our meals prepared.

Something I'm learning about Reagan is that he needs a lot of structure in his life or that's when it all hits the roof.  So, my desire is to have a regular, structured daily routine.  I know I'll need to be flexible, but I want to be predictable for the kids so they can get into a routine as well.  However, this being said, this is a lofty goal for the immediate future.  Rylan's days are anything but predictable and I know I must be flexible with a newborn.  On Monday, my first day, I had this great goal of having the day structured and planned and it didn't happen at all.  That's when I realized I need to give myself a little grace.  Not all days will go according to my plan.  I am happy to say though, that Tuesday through Friday, I was able to succesfully have structure during the day and it made a difference.  It also helped that Rylan likes to sleep most of the day ;-)

A random side note about Friday.  Rylan's appointment was the first time I left the house with a destination that required me to get all 3 out of the car at the same time and walk with all 3 into a building (church doesn't count because I can park the car right in front and leave Reagan or Kyleigh inside the front door while getting the rest of my stuff).  I got Reagan out and told him I was going to carry Rylan in my right hand and hold Kyleigh's hand with my left hand.  Reagan then needed to hold Kyleigh's hand as we walked through the parking lot.  I seriously wish someone was walking behind me and would have taken a picture.  I felt like the mother duck with her ducklings as we walked through the parking lot!

Anyway, back on track here.  The Lord used two people this week to minister to me.  They don't know how The Lord used their words, but I am thankful.  The jist of what they said was "The Lord has you where you are right now for a reason.  He will give you the strength, patience, and endurance to get through each day."  Related to this was the thought to not complain about the situation I'm in.  The Lord has me right where he wants me and I desire to be grateful that I can be home with my kids.  While there are difficult days and moments, I know it's a privilege to be home with them and for that, I am extremely grateful.

I made it!  I know I can do this, even during the hard times.  I like to claim Phillippians 4:13 when I feel weak - "I can do all things through HIm who gives me strength." Praise The Lord!

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