Monday, January 27, 2014

Hard Decision

I went to my doctor appointment this morning hoping for some good news and did NOT get what I wanted. I did want to hear my amniotic fluid was ok and that the baby is just fine, which they did confirm.  However, after having the NST (which was also fine), I went in to see Dr. Weiss hoping to hear I've dilated to at least 3 or 4cm. She gave me the unwanted news that I hadn't made any progress since my last appointment 6 days ago (still between 1-2cm, but not quite 2cm). Needless to say, I was NOT thrilled with her news.  My goodness, I'm already 4 days late!

Ryan and I talked last night and while his preference is that I schedule an induction for Tuesday, January 28, it is totally up to me. That's just his preference.

Since the beginning, I have NOT wanted to be induced. It just seems to go against what our bodies are telling us should happen. If the baby is healthy and thriving inside the womb, then why should I force it to enter the world because I want it to come out?  Whenever I've thought about going into labor and giving birth, I always imagined having contractions and my water breaking and then heading to the hospital. I didn't think it would be like, "Ok, get up at 5a, head to the hospital at 5:30a, walk upstairs to the L&D floor, and start getting medicine at 6a so I can have a baby. Something just doesn't seem right about that scenario. 

Yet, that's the decision I'm facing today. Dr. Weiss is on call tomorrow, my least favorite Dr of the practice is on call Wednesday, and the other female Dr is on call Thursday. They won't schedule inductions on Friday this week because their partner practice is on call (I haven't met any of those Drs) and if I wait until next Monday, I will be 41 weeks, 4 days. That's going past my due date quite a bit! Plus, my mom arrives on Thursday and her primary reason to be here is to help me with R & K while I have a newborn. If I wait too long, then I'm wasting valuable time with in-home help from Mom. So, what should I do?

I'm left with the decision to schedule induction for tomorrow (Dr Weiss is my fav) and be released to come home the same day Mom arrives or to wait it out and let the baby arrive whenever it dang well pleases! I've been praying (and having others pray too) that my water breaks on its own between now and tomorrow morning so I don't have to face my struggle with being induced as well as having the process play out the way I've always imagined! However, based on several logical reasons, I'm leaning toward scheduling the induction for tomorrow morning. In fact, I have a call into the doc's office now to schedule but I'm waiting to hear back if the time slot is still available.

What are my logical reasons (no particular order here):
1. Ryan prefers I schedule it for Tuesday
2. I like the sound of the birthdate 1-28-14
3. I pretty much guarantee Dr Weiss will deliver the baby (unless something g terrible happens and I don't actually give birth until Wednesday)
4. I will come home the day Mom gets here, optimizing my "helper" time

So, we'll see what the person says when I get the phone call back from the office. In he meantime, I will continue to walk around like crazy, get on my hands and knees to scrub floors, and eat at Tacos El Norte tonight with Ryan. That's what did the trick with Kyleigh and I'm praying for the same with this little one!! I'm hoping the spicy food tonight will work some magic again!

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