Wednesday, May 22, 2013


...I would really like some more of it!  I don't know what's going on with my little man, but his sleep schedule is all screwed up and it's having a huge impact on his mama!  Beginning last Monday, May 13, he has been waking up between 5a and 5:45a every morning with the saddest cry you've ever heard.  Each morning, I've picked him up and brought him back into our room with the hopes (unsuccessfully) of getting him to fall back asleep for another hour.

I'm trying to figure out what is causing this new and unwanted sleep pattern.  We've tried pushing his bedtime a little later thinking that 7p is too early now.  That hasn't worked. Katie suggested we try a night light - we'll give it a shot to see if this helps.  The problem is that he's not only waking up with these terrible cries in the morning, he does it at naptime too.  Last week, he was taking super short naps (45 minutes or so), but thankfully, he's doing better this week.

Anyway, I don't really have much more to say other than I'd really like to get back to our normal sleep routine.  I don't know how many more early mornings like this I can take before I need to start taking afternoon naps ;)

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