Saturday, May 11, 2013

One Year Anniversary

As I sit on the couch tonight, I simply cannot believe it's been one year since I quit my full time job out of the home.  May 11, 2012, I walked out of the door from a company I really enjoyed working for and drove to Cheesecake Factory to meet my two R's!  How is it possible that it's been a year since I did that?

Ryan and I went to Cheesecake Factory, sans kids, last night to commemorate this one year anniversary (day of the week, anyway).  I don't know why this occasion has affected me this much, but it has.  After sitting down at the table, Ryan asked me, "So, has this past year gone as you thought it would?"  I couldn't answer his question directly because a year ago, I had no idea what to expect.  I do know I was afraid and anxious to begin this new chapter in my life.  It was something I always dreamed would happen, but never thought would become a reality.  What would I do with myself all day?  Would I have any value in society by staying home with my kiddos (I now know this was a ridiculous thought, but at the time, I really struggled with it)?  Would I enjoy spending 12 hours a day with a newborn and a 14 month old, etc....?

Without a doubt in my mind, I can say Ryan and I absolutely made the right decision for me to stay home with the kids.  Although there are days in which I stare at the clock and mentally count down until 5:30p, those days are few and far between.  I really cannot imagine my life any different than what it currently is.  I am so blessed, thankful, and happy to be home raising our two children.  Seeing each new milestone for both kids will forever be etched into my memory.  There is nothing more precious than watching them grow up.

Thank you, Lord, for making this possible.  I know He continues to provide for my family in more ways than I could have ever dreamed.

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