Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Great Mother's Day

I can't believe I'm blogging two days in a row...that never happens ;)

Today was a great Mother's Day.  We didn't do anything grand, but it was great to me!  We went to church this morning and Pastor Adam gave a great message on marriage.  Ryan and I both came away from the service talking about things we'd like to change in our marriage for the better.  We came home and had a quick lunch before putting the kids down at 1p for their naps.  Both - thankfully - took 2 hour naps, which gave Ryan and I some much needed rest time.

Ryan asked me what I wanted to do for Mother's Day and I told him I wanted him to sit on the couch and watch the Cubs game (how's that for a request from a wife to a husband?) with me.  No iPad, no iPhone, no books.  Just sit down and relax with me!  He always works so hard during the week and then takes care of the yard on the weekends, it was time for him to relax a little.  He obliged and the Cubs won, yay!

After the kids woke up, we ran a quick errand as a family and then started making one of my all-time favorite dinners: taco salad!  Ryan quickly cooked everything and we all enjoyed it.  The only thing missing from the table was a margarita for me!  Diet Coke it was instead ;)

When dinner was over, I told Reagan to get his shoes because we were going to a "special" place.  Intrigued, he grabbed his "old shoes" and we put the kids in the stroller for a ride to DQ.  A little side note here: today was a big day for Kyleigh for many reasons.  First, we took out her infant (yes, I know she's 3 weeks away from being a 1 year old) car seat from my car and replaced it with the convertible car seat.  Then, Ryan graciously removed the car seat attachment from the stroller and made it just a regular double stroller.  Wow!  What a difference that makes on navigating the stroller.  So easy now ;) However, the biggest milestone for today is that Kyleigh ate ice cream!  It was her first time and let's just say she LOVED it.  The looks she was giving Ryan when he didn't have another scoop for her were priceless.  She was also licking her chops on more than one occasion.  I was so bummed I didn't have the camera to catch this.  I got my favorite dessert - a Peanut Butter Bash Royal Treat in which I shared with Reagan.  About every 30 seconds he would say "more" but I was happy to share with him.

On our walk home, we were just having a nice time and the kids were being good, so we made a few loops around the block before coming in to put on jams and get ready for bed.  As I said, we didn't do anything grand, but I got to spend the day with my hubs and my two pretty awesome kids.

Life is good.

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