Saturday, October 27, 2012

LOVING Reagan's Age

WARNING: this post is primarily written so I don't forget the little things.  Continue reading if you'd like, but don't say I didn't give you a heads up first!

Let me give a disclaimer before I get too far into this post.  Not every day is as peachy as I'm about to describe.  There are days when I want to throw in the towel because I just don't think I can do it anymore.  Reagan is a challenge (what toddler isn't?) and I sometimes wonder what I'm doing at home because he can make me crazy, BUT I am LOVING his age right now.  He just turned 19 months a few days ago.  I never thought I'd say I love this stage because he's getting into EVERYTHING (literally), but I really am.  Every night, I talk with Ryan about the day and I'm often reflecting on the cute things Reagan did.  I will go to sleep at night with a big smile on my face, just thinking about how cute he is and how much fun and laughter he brings to my life.

Following is just a simple list of the things Reagan has been doing lately that make me stop and truly enjoy this time.

CLIMBING: Reagan has discovered climbing and he's taking it on full force.  Back in September, I found him on the coffee table.  I thought back then that we'd entered the climbing stage, but alas, it's in October that his climbing has increased.  Two days ago, I was feeding Kyleigh in her room and actually shut the door to keep Reagan out (that sounds awful, I know, but he distracts her and she was really tired, so I needed it to be quiet and peaceful).  I could hear him running around the house, having a grand time.  Then, it happened; I heard a loud crash.  I quickly left Kyleigh's room to find the remnants of Reagan standing on the toilet seat, grabbing stuff from the second shelf of my medicine cabinet.  As I walked into the bathroom, Reagan was simultaneously falling backwards and sideways off the toilet, landing in the garbage can in between the vanity and the toilet.  Fortunately, he didn't injure himself, but was just a little startled.  Note to self: NEVER leave the bathroom door opened ;-)

Climbing on the living room table
Or take the instance when Ryan and I were in the church nursery this past Sunday.  We look into the toddler room and there's Reagan sitting in a drawer.  No big deal, you think.  Oh no...he was in the second drawer from the bottom.  He found a way to climb into the middle drawer of the cabinet.  I almost didn't take a picture, but I couldn't resist.  It was too funny!

Second drawer and very proud!

CURIOSITY: I said at the beginning of this post that Reagan is into everything.  I mean this, I really do.  Whether it's the garbage can, which he frequents daily, or digging things out of my purse, or taking stuff out of the refrigerator door when I've got my back turned, or emptying the drawers from the living room table tables, Reagan is into everything.  It's cute and funny the first time around, but it drives me crazy!  If I turn my back just for an instance, he's into something new.  He's exploring the house and finding new and exciting things, I know.

I can think of two instances this past week alone that just make me laugh.  First, he's discovered his closet.  Ryan put up drapes to cover the opening since we'd removed the doors.  I thought this would be a place for him to explore in the past, but he hadn't shown interest.  Until this week, that is.  I've got a box of diapers on the floor and we have a hanging organizer in the closet.  Reagan now finds humor in getting behind the drapes, climbing (there it is, climbing again) on the box of diapers and playing with all of the things in the closet organizer!  If I can't find him when I'm trying to leave, I go straight to the closet and there he is, standing and taking everything off the shelves!

The second instance is probably my favorite.  Kyleigh was asleep and I needed to take a quick shower. Normally, Reagan just sits on the bathroom floor and plays with my hair dryer or Ryan's shaving pod thingys.  Today, he decided to go into my bedroom.  Big mistake, mom, leaving the bedroom door open.  Lesson learned, for sure!  I'm in the shower, I hear a big clang, not a crash, something noisier.  Then come the frantic footsteps from the bedroom to the bathroom.  I get out of the shower and Reagan is at the bathroom door, pointing to the bedroom, and repeatedly saying "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh."  (I'm laughing as I write this because I can hear the "Uh Oh's" in my mind).  I followed Reagan's leading into the bedroom and there it was.  Ryan's change jar scattered all over the floor.  Nothing broke and Reagan didn't eat any pennies (I don't think, anyway!), but his curiosity of the change jar left us with a big mess to clean.

"AH DO":  You might wonder what "Ah do" means.  It means "All done" and he usually signs this as he's saying it.  What's funny about this is that this past week, while in the middle of changing Reagan's diapers, he's constantly saying "Ah do".  It's like he's telling me, "Mommy, I'm all done with you changing my diaper!"  

DADDY:  Reagan absolutely LOVES his daddy!  He has always smiled when Ryan walks in the room, but this past week has been different.  On Monday, I left late in the afternoon for a quick errand and Ryan actually made it home before we did.  As I turned the corner, Reagan caught a glimpse of Ryan's car in the driveway and he immediately began saying "Daddy, daddy, daddy!!!!"  I unbuckled his seat and Reagan trotted over to Ryan's car in search of him.  I told him that Daddy is in the house and he went inside.  So cute.

The very next morning, I got up early with Reagan.  I usually turn off the light to my room and shut the door before I get Reagan.  He loves to play in our drawers, so it's just easier to not even let our room in sight!  Anyway, this particular morning, I forgot to shut the door.  After I changed Reagan, I put him on the ground and he quickly walked into our room and over to Ryan's side of the bed.  While he's doing this, he's saying, "Daddy, daddy, daddy!"  I sadly had to tell him that daddy is at work and he'd be home later.  Of course, later that night when Ryan was coming home, Reagan heard the storm door open.  He had a such an excited expression on his face and said "Daddy!!" as Ryan walked in the door.    He just loves his daddy!

MOMMY:  He finally uttered this precious word two days before he turned 19 months old.  Ryan was encouraging him to say "mommy" and he just repeated it several times.  The way he says it is adorable!  I just love it!  He doesn't say it often, but if I prompt him, he will say "mommy."  This makes my heart happy.

I'm sure, in fact, I know, there are plenty more adorable things my little man does.  I just needed to highlight a few of them that have happened recently and are on my mind.  I am just loving this time.  It's a challenge, but really rewarding at the same time.  I love you, little man!

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