Monday, August 25, 2014

Learning Time Update

I am very happy to report that the kids LOVED learning time this summer!  There were times they weren't so interested, but by the end of July, Reagan was asking for Learning Time.  This was such an encouragement for me :)  I didn't go in the exact order I originally laid out, but we did cover lots of subjects.  Below are some of my favorite picture from our various activities!

Even though the kids know their shapes, we did a few activities regarding shapes.  I gathered several different sized squares and circles and had the kids sort the squares together and the circular items together.  I also drew on papers and had the kids trace the shapes with marshmallows - one of their favorite activities of the summer!

The highlight of the weather week was the song "What's the Weather Like"  The kids are still singing this song randomly.  "What's the weather like?  What's the weather like?  What's the weather like today?  Is it sunny?  Is it rainy?  Is it cloudy?  It is cold?  What's the weather like?  What's the weather like?  What's the weather like today?  Is it stormy?  Is it windy?  Is it snowy?  Is it hot?  What's the weather like today?
Reagan is working on his Cloud Jar and watching the "rain" go through the clouds

Cars, planes, boats...what else could a kid ask for?  I really wanted to take the kids to the Palwaukie Airport because they can listen to approaching planes communicate with the Control Tower, but we just didn't make t.  We did make some paper airplanes and fly them through the house - that was fun!!

Honestly, I don't really remember what we did for sports week :(  I know we talked about sports and we went outside to "play" basketball, but that's all I remember!
A great jump shot!
Our little dunker!

Zoo Animals:
We focused primarily on lions during zoo week.  This was a lot of fun because our main activity after zoo week was visiting Lincoln Park Zoo and seeing the lions there.  The kids really enjoyed making their lion faces and then telling everyone about the marshmallow eyes ;)


I only worked on letters with Reagan.  The only reason for this was due to Reagan's refusal to take naps in the afternoon, so this was a perfect time to work together while the girls slept.  Hands down, this was Reagan's favorite.  I incorporated matching and gluing, tracing, and Do-A-Dot paints for every letter.  It took us several afternoons to go through the entire alphabet because we only got through 3 worksheets a day.  Again, Reagan LOVED this and always asked to do this Learning Time.  It was also a special time for me to spend with him because I was just as involved as he was.

Matching letter and then gluing into correct spot

Tracing letter with pen
Using Do-A-Dot paints
Learning Time this summer was a success!!

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