Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Potty Training - Day 2

Let's just start with the fact I barely slept last night because I was dreaming about potty training, I was thinking about potty training, and I was fearing what tomorrow (today - day 2) would bring.  I think I was most fearful that Reagan wouldn't want to try potty training again and I would easily give in because yesterday was so difficult.

Well, 7a came and Reagan was ready for breakfast.  I tentatively told him we would change his diaper and put him in big boy pants.  That seemed to go ok, but not with great enthusiasm.  I put his underwear on and we started the day.  He has a bad rash on his butt and I think it's from sitting so much yesterday.  So today, I'm going to see if there is any progress if he stands vs sits.  Following is my daily log for the day:

7a woke up and put on underwear
7:20a accident
7:40-7:50a stood, nothing
8:05-8:20a stood, nothing
8:35a accident
8:55a stood, nothing
9:25-9:30a pee!!
9:35a accident
9:35-9:45a stood, nothing
10:25-10:30a stood, nothing
10:45-11a stood, nothing
11:20-11:25 stood, nothing
11:35a pee!! He had been standing in front of the potty for 10 minutes and finally went
11:45a pee!!  He ran to tell me he had to go again and we made it to the potty on time!
12:30p poop!!  He tried for pee before nap time, but nothing
12:45p nap
3p back in underwear
3:50-4p stood, nothing
4:25-4:35p stood, nothing
4:45p pee!!
5:40p stood, nothing
6:05p pee!!  He told me during dinner he needed to go and I thought he was just trying to get out of eating.  After 2 minutes of standing, he went!
6:50p accident :(

After his third accident in 2 1/2 hours of being awake, I was in tears in the basement.  I was so upset and seriously ready to throw in the towel.  I just couldn't bring myself to continue trying with the results  we were having.  I even texted Ryan and said I would feel better if we could have one success, but at this point, it was just accident after accident.

Then...the breakthrough moment! I was having him stand because I knew he would need to go and all of a sudden, he started peeing.  This was different than yesterday - he was actually getting a decent amount of pee into the potty, as opposed to just a few drops.  Excitement doesn't completely convey how I felt.  I encouraged Reagan to do a potty (celebratory) dance and we gave high-fives and, of course, finished off this milestone with a treat.  Unfortunately, he took the wind out of my sails five minutes later when he had a accident.  Lesson learned for me: just because he went doesn't mean he's completely done.  There may be a little more in there that he hasn't gotten out yet!

From the time snack time was over (10:15ish) until his next success was grueling.  I knew he would have to go and he hadn't gone over hour or so without peeing or an accident, so I was getting increasingly nervous every time he stood and nothing came out.  We literally sat on the floor of his bedroom and read books or he laid his head on my lap.  I wouldn't let him go anywhere because I knew it was coming - eventually.  It took 2 hours, but he finally went.  Then, the best part came next!  Only 10 minutes after we went through out routine of cleaning the potty and getting treats, he came running into the the room and said he needed to go again.  We quickly got to the potty and he started peeing again!  I felt like this was a huge success because he knew the feeling of having to go.  Yay!

I won't spend much time on his poop because I honestly think it was just a fluke.  He had been eating lunch and I caught "the look" on his face and forced him to sit down on the potty.  Within seconds of sitting, he had a little poop.  Although I was lucky, he at least did it!

After nap time is questionable for me.  He wears a diaper while sleeping and I have no idea the last time he peed when he wakes up and I change him into his underwear.  I was so fearful of another accident, but we just plugged on ahead.  He tried multiple times, but we finally had a success after almost 2 hours of being awake.

The other great accomplishment of the day was during dinner time.  I tried to have him go before dinner but he didn't need to.  While eating, he said he needed to go.  I reluctantly unbuckled his chair to let him attempt.  I really thought it was an excuse to not eat dinner (what I made wasn't very good) and he had been avoiding what I told him he had to eat.  However, after only a two minutes of standing there, he started to go!  Again, it showed me he is starting to know the sensation of having to go.  Great news!

I COULD NOT BELIEVE he had an accident just 45 minutes later.  I was really disappointed in the accident, especially to end the day this way, but he was so enthralled with the toy magazine, I think he wasn't paying attention.  At least that's what I hope!

All in all, today was a MUCH better day that yesterday.  I am so glad I didn't give in at 9:30 this morning when I really wanted to.  Maybe, just maybe, Reagan will actually be potty trained in 3 days!

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