Thursday, September 13, 2012

Big Changes!

I guess the cats out of the bag...big and exciting changes for the Hust family.  And for any of you wondering, NO, I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!!

Ryan officially resigned from Trinity last week and will be starting a new job on October 1st :)  I am very excited for this new opportunity for Ryan.  He will be the Facility Manager at a retirement community in Batavia.  I am not thrilled about his new commute (35 miles and 1 hour each way), but other than that, we are really excited for this job.  It was a difficult decision to leave Trinity because Trinity has been Ryan's life since we moved here 5 years ago.  I'm sure his last day is going to be really tough.

Related to the new job, we also bought a new car on Monday!  Whoo hoo :)  This was quite the process, though.  First we were going to get Ryan the new car, then I was getting the new car and Ryan would take the Civic, and then we finally settled on Ryan getting the car.  Ultimately, we decided on Ryan getting the car because should we decide to have another kid in the future, we'll need to get a minivan and neither one of us wanted a minivan now if it wasn't necessary.  So, bottom line is we bought a 2009 Subaru Legacy.  It's brown (eww), but has very low miles, is in great condition, and is a stick shift, which was a must for Ryan!

Lastly, we made some cosmetic improvements to the house over Labor Day weekend.  This made me sooooo happy!!!  We bought some art for both the living room and dining room and it's made such a difference!  It's been a long time coming, but we finally agreed on the artwork and I love it!  We also finally hung the drapes in both of the kids' rooms.  Overall, these few minor details gave a major facelift to the rooms and I couldn't be happier about it ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Congratulations Ryan! Looking forward to hearing more details and seeing the home updates in a few weeks.
