Sunday, February 22, 2015

Health Problems

2015 has not started well in the department of health for the kids and me.  Fortunately, Ryan has pretty much been able to stay away from all of the issues!

It all began mid-January when Rylan was diagnosed with a double ear infection and pink eye.  Our pediatrician wasn't concerned with the pink eye because the antibiotics for the ear infection would take care of the pink eye (and the pink eye was in the early stage - we caught it early).

During Rylan's birthday weekend, I got terrible headaches for 5 straight days.  It turns out I had a sinus infection.  First one ever and I seriously hope to never get one again.  It was painful!

Then Reagan got pink eye right after everyone left.  It only took a few days to get rid of, but still annoying. 

And of course, Kyleigh got pink eye also. 

Why not have Rylan get pink eye again?  Because that's exactly what happened.

And to top it all off, I was diagnosed with shingles!  I couldn't believe it because I thought that only happened to old people, but it happened.  Praise the Lord, the pain was minimal and only last about 10 days. 

After the shingles pain started to wear off, I seemed to come down with a nagging cold.  Nothing that prohibited me from doing normal activities during the day, but I felt tired and had a really sore throat, especially at night.  All 3 kids seem to be holding onto something as well.  Again, nothing that stops our normal stuff, but a constant runny nose and a bad cough for Rylan.

I'm hoping we are all feeling better by the time we enter March.

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