Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Season of Change

We're going through some sleeping routine changes around here and I can honestly say I'm not ready for it.  We've been on a fairly consistent routine for about a year now and I've been able to adjust my life accordingly.  Now it appears sleep habits are changing - mostly for Rylan - and I'm just not ready (or willing is probably more accurate) to change my schedule around.

You see, everyone eats lunch between 12-12:30p everyday and then Reagan has quiet time for 45 minutes while Kyleigh and Rylan take 2 hour naps.  That's what is supposed to happen everyday.  Rylan has transitioned off 2 naps and is now taking one nap.  I'm fine with that; except that she's ready for her nap around 11:30 and if I'm out, she'll fall asleep in the car and then the hope of a nap at all the rest of the day is out of the question.  And being home everyday around 11:30 is often an issue because of various things happening throughout the week.  So I'm in a bit of a predicament at the moment.

Kyleigh also seems to be going through a change.  She regularly slept from 1-3p and I would need to wake her at 3p.  As of the last few weeks, she's been waking on her own about 2:30p.

I know change is good and the kids are growing up, but it's hard when routines change, especially with little ones.  We had a good system going; I guess I need to find a new one.

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