It just occurred to me that I rarely post about Rylan and the only reason for this is because all of her milestones and exciting things are being entered into her baby book. After she turns 1y, I'll post more about her on here.
But a little update about her will do :) For whatever reason, she has decided to stop sleeping through the night. This began at the beginning of May and I assumed it was just a few nights, but out of the 31 days, she probably slept through the night (8p-5a) only 5 times. Now, a disclaimer: I know I shouldn't complain at all that my 3 month old (that's how old she was during May )was only getting up once a night. Most moms are still getting up at least 2x at this stage. However, when she started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks and then all of a sudden stopped, it has been a hard transition for me! I am much more tired and less patient with the other kids because my sleep is disjointed. I'm hoping this is just a phase and she'll start sleeping through the night again soon!
In more exciting news, she finally rolled over! She's been trying to roll for the whole month, and on May 30th, she finally did it! I wasn't home to see this milestone and I was so bummed. However, Ryan was able to see it and I was happy for him; I often get to see the milestones first, so for him to see it first was special. She rolled over for me today and I was thrilled! And now she's acting like a pro-front to back, back to front. Anytime you leave her on the floor now, she's rolling all over :)
She's growing up so fast, and it's really fun to watch her achieve new things.
Up next...sleep training!
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