Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A New Phase

We've had a bit of a breakthrough at our house these days.  Within the last few weeks or so, Reagan and Kyleigh have been playing together.  Like, they can be in Reagan's room talking, laughing, squealing, playing together!  This brings about a few emotions within me.  First, PRAISE THE LORD!  There is a moment during their awake hours where I can be in one room and BOTH kids are happily playing together in a different room.  It brings me great joy listening to Reagan say "C'mon Kai-ee (his version of Kyleigh), let's go.  Here Kai-ee.  Play with me, Kai-ee."  I am starting to believe what so many people told me over the last year: "They will be great friends because they are so close in age."  For the first time, I can actually see this becoming true.

The second emotion; however, is a little bit of sadness.  There is a little part of me that thinks, "They are growing up so fast.  They don't need me as much anymore."  Now, I know this is a bit of a stretch because they very much still need me.  However, there was a time not too long ago when Kyleigh had to be in the same room as me at all times.  If I left for just a moment, she would scurry into the room or she'd cry until I came back to pick her up.  I know this is a natural progression of growing up, but there are moments - some moments - when I desire them to stay my little babies forever!

When I do enjoy those precious moments of listening to them in another room, I also realize it's not always happy play.  We've also entered another phase in the last few weeks - the tattle-tale phase!  Reagan often leaves the room to come and tell me, "Kai-ee hit my head.  Kai-ee touched my jams.  Kai-ee is breaking my floor (ie ripping apart the alphabet puzzle mat)."  Legitimately, Kyleigh has entered her own phase of hitting (and hitting a lot!), so I appreciate that Reagan comes to tell me he's been hit.  However, he takes this to the extreme!  As with all new phases, you learn how to deal with the kids' ever changing personalities!

Life is definitely changing in our house.  It's all great and I love it, but I also realize how quickly time is passing.  It's so cliche, but it's so true!

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