Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Random Thoughts

I know it has been awhile since I last posted.  Anyway, I just have some random thoughts I'm going to write about today.  Enjoy!

Being Content: it may sound simple, but in my life, at least, it's not so easy.  If you stop and really think about what it means to be content, I would venture to guess that you're not content all the time either.  I am finding it difficult in these winter months to be content at home.  I find myself needing to get out of the house at least once a day, and it is usually twice a day that I find myself away from home.  A few Friday's ago this whole idea of being content really hit me.  After Entrusted was over, I didn't have any errands to run and I didn't want to stop at any stores because I didn't have any money to spend either.  So, where else was I to go at 11a on a Friday morning but home.  I was not happy about this, but headed home anyway.  I had a full hour and a half before I started lunch and the kids went down for their naps.  I had no idea what I was going to do when I arrived home.  It then dawned on me that although I am home with the kids, I am not necessarily home with the kids.  Does that make sense?  We're in the same location, but not necessarily together.  Well,  on this particular Friday, I decided that all I was going to do was be with them.  I wasn't going to tend to any household business; I was just going to sit on the floor and be with them.  It was a great hour and a half!  Both kids were laughing; I was throwing Kyleigh up in the air to her squeals and delight and I was tickling Reagan until his face turned red.  It was great!  That's when I realized I don't always need to be out of the house.  In fact, I should try to be home more so I can experience this wonderful time of the kids wanting to just crawl all over me and enjoying the simplicity of life.  Now, a little side note here: this is not always easy.  I still tend to want to be out of the house, but when I am home, I'm trying to be with them more.

Reagan's Growing Up:  of course he's growing up, he grows up daily!!!  However, I was watching him play with some toys the other day and it just hit me like a ton of bricks; he is growing up!  It's the little things like when I let him walk into the store with me (instead carrying him), I don't have to bend over to hold his hand.  Or, it's the fact that I can ask him to get the burp cloth from the other room and he comes back with it.  Or, it's the fact that he can open the bathroom door and lock himself in there!  Quite simply, my little man is growing up!  It's hard to believe he'll be 2 in about 3 weeks.  Everytime I drive by Oberweis Dairy I think of the first time I went there.  It was my first week of maternity leave and I was just anxiously awaiting to meet the little person inside me.  And now, it's almost exactly 2 years later and I'm thinking how could that have been 2 years ago?  Crazy!!!!

Excited for spring: we had a small taste of spring last week and I began to crave it!!  It was a beautiful day (low 40s) and the sun was shining.  I decided to take the kids for a walk to the bank.  I was gone for about an hour, but it was so refreshing.  My whole day was brighter just because I got outside without a heavy winter coat!  Now, I must confess that as I'm typing this, we are in the middle of a Winter Storm Warning and it's been snowing heavily since 6a.  We're expected to get 5-9" from this storm.  But, it's supposed to be in the 40s again this weekend, so I can handle it.  I'm just so excited to get out and start walking again!  Spring time, Kristin is ready for you ;-)

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