Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Current Calling in Life

In a very round about way, I was reaffirmed of my current calling in life as a stay at home mom.  It was very refreshing to get this affirmation., as the past month has been very difficult in this house!

Reagan awoke around 4:45am Tuesday morning with a very high temperature.  No one likes to have a sick child and things never go as planned when you unexpectedly wake up to a warm child with slightly difficult breathing.  However, that's what happened yesterday.  You would think I received my affirmation because I was able to stay home and comfort Reagan while he was ill.  But, no, that's not when I found myself thinking about my calling.  Rather, it was begrudgingly accepting the fact that Reagan and I would need to stay home from Parents Night and Fairmont Fair that was occurring at AWANA this particular Tuesday night.  Ryan and I decided Kyleigh should still get to attend the Fair, despite being to young to be in the AWANA program.  This was for all kids and their families.  Ryan got home from work just in time to change and take Kyleigh to church for the festivities.

That's when it hit me.  I was very disappointed that Reagan and I would have to stay home and miss all the excitement of Parents Night and Fairmont Fair.  After all, Fairmont Fair is a lot of fun for the kids.  As I reflected on my disappointment on missing out and not observing Kyleigh's excitement at the Fair, I realized I wouldn't want my life to be any other way.  I love being able to experience life with the kids.  I love watching their every reaction to new things and discovering what this thing called life is all about.  I love the squeals of telling them we're going to the park.  I love the jumping around when I tell them we're making cookies in the afternoon.  I love it all and I get to be a part of their life.  Every day.  This is what I'm called to do in my life right now and for that, I am incredibly thankful.

It was a sweet reminder from the Lord.  Over the past month, I have often questioned if I should go back to work because I didn't like my life and the difficulty of raising two toddlers and a baby.  However, the Lord took a high fever to remind me I am exactly where He wants me to be. 

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