Monday, February 11, 2013

In a groove

I'm very hesitant to post about being in a groove because once I write it all down, I know, I just know, it will change!  I'm going to write about it anyway because I want to share life as of late.

I am in a groove.  I can't believe it, but I feel like I finally have it together.  Somewhat, anyway.  Ever since I took the advice from Amanda to wake Kyleigh up at a certain time from her morning nap, life has magically become predictable.  And I'm not just saying predictable for the kids sleeping, life as a SAHM is now more predictable!  Let me give you a little insight into my daily life...

The kids are usually up between 6:30 and 7a every morning.  I feed Kyleigh first, then come out to the living room and let her play while I read my Bible.  A side note - my Entrusted with a Child's Heart class has a challenge to read through the Bible in a year and I've taken on this challenge.  This is my ideal time to read and I love it!  Okay, back to our schedule.  Reagan gets up around 7a and the moment I walk into his room, the first word (most days) out of his mouth is "toast."  The kid loves to eat, what can I say?  I get breakfast ready, unload the dishwasher, tidy up the kitchen, and play with the kids for a bit before Kyleigh's morning nap.  She goes down between 8:45 and 9a everyday.  Reagan and I either read books or play with his toys while she sleeps.  If I'm really lucky, I sneak shower and getting ready time in while Kyleigh's sleeping.  Another side note - yes, I take showers, but I don't always take them when I want to!  I always wake her up at 10a.  If I don't, it throws the rest of the day off (thanks for the tip, Amanda!).  Now, the time between Kyleigh getting up and lunch at 12:30p varies from day to day.  Sometimes we run errands, sometimes we have playdates with friends, and sometimes I stay home.  Depends on the day and how I feel.  I always try to be home by 12:30p at the latest so I can fix lunch and let Reagan unwind a bit before going down for a nap.  Both kids are in their cribs and  asleep (hopefully!!) at 1p.  They usually sleep for 2, sometimes 2 1/2, hours.  Then it's snack time again and only an hour or so before I need to start making dinner.  This is our daily routine.  Works like a charm.....on the days the kids agree with my plan!  Just kidding, in all seriousness, I really try to stick to this plan because this routine works for us.  Some days are different, especially if I have a morning activity that throws off Kyleigh's first nap.  But if I stick to the routine, both kids are happy.  In fact, just recently, Reagan has been starting to say "sleep" when he's nearing the end of his lunch.  Makes me happy!

The other reason I say I'm in a groove is because I've finally figured out how to get all of my household duties completed without having unrealistic expectations.  Here you go: Monday is laundry day, all day.  I usually don't leave the house until Small Group on Mondays because I'm doing load after load after load ;-) Tuesday is cleaning the kitchen; Wednesday is cleaning the bathroom, Thursday is cleaning the floors; and Friday is usually my free day or a "special project" day.

There you have it.  This is why I'm in a groove.  Now that it's been posted, the kids will inevitably throw a wrench into my perfectly organized day (hint, that was sarcastic), but that's okay.  Motherhood is all about adapting, at least in this phase of motherhood!

I'm off to pull the dry clothes out and put the next load in!

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