Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I know it's been a long time since I last posted.  In between "Blessed" and now, we've given Kyleigh solids, she's started to sit up on her own (if only briefly), and she's attempting to crawl.  And it's only been 3 weeks since my last post!  Bottom line, life has been busy and by the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is sit down and blog.  Sorry, I'm just being honest!

To be honest, I was really worried about Thanksgiving this year.  Family wasn't coming, we knew we weren't doing anything with our Wheaton friends, and the Lehmanns were out of town.  We had been planning on spending the day on our own and I was trying really hard to be okay with this.  It seemed very strange, as if it was going to be just another day.  I didn't think it made sense to make the whole fixings for 3 people to eat (I thought about writing 2 1/2 people, but we all know that Reagan eats the same as a whole person!).  Then, things changed.

Ryan's boss invited us to having dinner at his house because their family wasn't coming either.  And we were also invited to Adam and Holly's house.  Ryan thought it would be a great idea to "get out of our bubble," so we went to Josh and Christine's house.  Only after accepting the invitation did we find out that Christine's parents and brother would also be coming to town.  Oh boy!  Now we felt like we were intruding on their family Thanksgiving.  Even though Christine's family was now coming, they still wanted us to join.

We went anyway and had a great time!  I was a bit nervous because I am usually an introvert in situations like this.  However, I wanted to branch out and have a good time.  So, I chatted up a storm with Christine, her parents, and of course, their adorable twin girls.  Watching Reagan interact with the girls was a lot of fun.  He was great - didn't hit - and loved their see-saw alligator.

Dinner was also awesome.  We had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, with the exception of one item - the turkey!  Christine made Cornish game hens instead of a turkey.  I've never eaten a Cornish game hen before, but it was great.  Unfortunately, Reagan threw a mini temper tantrum in the middle of dinner.  Ryan made the mistake of giving Reagan candied sweet potatoes as the first sampling of the dinner.  Of course, Reagan wouldn't eat anything else!  He cried until we gave him more sweet potatoes!  Oh well, what can you do?

Even though we couldn't spend Thanksgiving with our family, we still had a very nice day with Josh and Christine.  The whole day was great and we had much to be thankful for.

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